Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)

The department offers two specializations under the MSCE program. These are:

  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering

Program Mission

 “To produce graduates with enhanced engineering knowledge, relevant skills, research, and critical thinking ability to present viable solutions to real-world problems.”

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are focused on to produce engineering graduates who:

  1. Are expected to solve complex engineering problems using advanced engineering knowledge and modern techniques.
  2. Demonstrate professional development by pursuing research or other opportunities to achieve professional excellence.

Program Outcomes

The MS graduates of Department of Civil Engineering Abasyn University Peshawar will demonstrate the following attributes for their professional career;

  1. Knowledge: Understanding of basic concepts of civil engineering with specialized knowledge of structural and transportation engineering.
  2. Problem Analysis and Design: Critically analyze, evaluate, and/or design relevant engineering problems using advanced science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  3. Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex real-life problems in engineering language. They shall also comprehend the ability to effective report writing, design documentation, and good presentation skills.
  4. Modern tools usage: An ability to select and apply modern tools like analysis and designing software and modeling of a complex engineering problems.
  5. Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize the importance of and pursue lifelong learning in the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

Core Courses MSCE

Core courses are compulsory requirements which must be completed by each student. Students are required to take all the below mentioned courses

Code Title CrHrs
CE 601 Pavement Structures, Materials and Design 3
CE 603 Pavement Construction and Maintenance 3
CE 622 Advanced Concrete Technology 3
CE 628 Advanced Mechanics of Materials 3



Students are required to take courses from this list.

Code Title CrHrs
CE 606 Intelligent Transport Systems 3
CE 605 Highway planning and Design 3
CE 607 Traffic Safety 3
CE 608 Railway Engineering 3
CE 609 Airport Planning and Engineering 3
CE 610 Highway Geometric Design 3
CE 621 Advanced Concrete Design 3
CE 623 Matrix Structural Analysis 3
CE 624 Behavior of Concrete Structures 3
CE 625 Advanced Steel Structures 3
CE 626 Prestressed Concrete Structures 3
CE 627 Finite Elements Methods 3
CE 602 Pavement evaluation based on NDT 3
CE 604 Traffic Management Techniques 3
CE 629 Introduction to Bridge Engineering 3
CE 630 Structural Dynamics 3
CE 631 Earthquake Resistant Design 3
CE 701 Research methodology 3
CE 702 Probability and Statistics 3
CE 703 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering 3
CE 704 Advanced Soil Mechanics 3
CE 705 Soil Dynamics 3
CE 706 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3
CE 707 Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Engineering 3
CE 706 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3
CE 709 Geo Environmental Engineering 3
CE 710 Hydraulic Structures 3
CE 711 Civil Engineering Materials and Composites 3
CE 712 Computer Aided design construction and management 3
CE 713 Infrastructure Conditions assessment 3
CE 714 Environmental Impact assessment 3
CE 715 Project planning and estimating 3
CE 716 Transportation Planning and Modelling 3
CE 717 Geographical Information system 3
CE 690 Special Topics 3

List of elective courses may be revised as per requirement.