Master of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (M. Phil Pharm-Sci)

M. Phil in Pharmaceutical Sciences is an advanced degree program which aims to prepare students for research and strategic jobs in this field. Most of the courses are designed in such a way that students are required to exhibit high class research skill and motivation. A six (6) CrHr thesis is a compulsory part of the M. Phil curriculum. The program covers all major areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The Department of Pharmacy has established several important labs which are available for M. Phil scholar.


Year 1 Semester 1

Code Course CreditHrs Pre-Requisite
Core Course I 3 None
Core Course II 3 None
Core Course III 3 None

Year 1 Semester 2

Code Course CreditHrs Pre-Requisite
Core Course IV 3 None
Core Course V 3 None
Elective Course I 3 None

Year 2 Semester 3

Code Course CreditHrs Pre-Requisite
Elective Course II 3 None
Elective Course III 3 None
Research Work - Part I 3 None

Year 2 Semester 4

Code Course CreditHrs Pre-Requisite
Research Work - Part II 3 None


Students are required to take courses from this list.

Code Title CrHrs

List of elective courses may be revised as per requirement.