
The Department of Governance, Politics and Public Policy (GPP) has been established by Abasyn University in 2017 with the aim to impart knowledge and skills in one of the most fast growing disciplines of governance and public policy to the students including professionals and future leaders. The idea behind establishing the department of Governance, Politics and Public Policy (GPP) is based on the fact that governance and public policy are the most crucial aspects of social, political and economic life of citizens. There has been a vacuum in the academic sector in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to offer a degree programme at undergrad and post grade level in the discipline of Governance and Public Policy. At the moment, no single Degree awarding Institution (DAI) is offering the GPP programme either at undergraduate or post graduate level in Khyber Pakhunkhwa. Abasyn University, being the first mover in the academic sector, filled this gap by undertaking the endeavour to launch the undergrad and postgrad degree programmes in Governance and Public Policy besides offering undergrad and postgrad degree programmes in Political Science and International Relations.
Abasyn University has acquired the lead to produce students and professionals by equipping them in all aspects of governance, politics & public policy who will further strive to improve governance at local and national level by envisaging sound and foolproof policies. In order to juxtapose the discipline of governance and public policy with its forerunning academic areas of Political Science and International Relations, graduate programmes in the latter disciplines have also been made part of the department. The Department of Governance, Politics and Public Policy (GPP) is mandated to run B.S, M.Sc and MS/M/P.hil programs in all areas of governance, public policy, political science and international relations.


To be the torch-bearer of the discipline of governance and public policy in the KP province and to contribute to the improvement of these two vital areas of public life.


To disseminate knowledge of the disciplines of governance, public policy, political science and international relations to the students and professionals of the KP province and Pakistan as well as the neigbhouring country of Afghanistan; to conduct research on governance, policy and political issues of the KP, Pakistan and Afghanistan and prepare students to take up these issues and challenges and come up with policy advice to the government

Department Programs

Bachelor of Science in Political Science

State is an alternative term used for a politically organized society. The question whether a society is politically organized...

Bachelor of Science in International Relations

International Relations are characterized by high degree of interaction and interdependence in the contemporary world. A...

Bachelor of Science in Governance and Public Policy

Governance is considered to be the most celebrated term widely discussed worldwide nowadays. Governance and public policy...

Master of Philosophy In Political Science (M.Phil)

Political science involves the study of the political behavior, system and the political structure of the country or an organization....